Why Your Skin is Breaking Out: 6 Common Causes of Acne (and How to Fix Them)

Why Your Skin is Breaking Out: 6 Common Causes of Acne (and How to Fix Them)

Acne is a common skin concern that can affect anyone at any age. Whether you’re dealing with occasional breakouts or chronic acne, understanding the root causes can help you treat it more effectively.

Which is why as a Holistic Esthetician, I focus on not only clearing acne, but learning the what is the cause in the first place.  Because let's be real, why would we put in all that work to "solve" this annoying skin concern only for it to reappear because we didn't tackle it in a way that addresses why it's happening.

So today, we'll be exploring the 6 most common causes of acne and share actionable tips to keep your skin clear - buh-bye acne!

Clogged Pores from Excess Oil

One of the primary causes of acne is excess oil production. Sebum, the natural oil your skin produces, can clog pores when there’s too much of it, resulting in blackheads and whiteheads. Those with oily or acne-prone skin are especially susceptible to this.

Incorporate a gentle cleanser into your skincare routine that controls oil without stripping the skin. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid or niacinamide to help balance oil production.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations are a major culprit when it comes to breakouts. This is particularly common during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or times of stress. Hormonal acne often appears along the jawline and chin area.

Consistency is key when managing hormonal acne. Opt for products containing zinc or niacinamide to reduce inflammation and balance oil production. Consulting with a healthcare professional ( I suggest a naturopath to get to the root cause) about hormonal treatments may also be beneficial.

Stress-Induced Breakouts

Stress triggers the production of cortisol, which can increase oil production and lead to breakouts. This type of acne can occur in anyone, regardless of skin type, during particularly stressful periods.

Adopt stress-management techniques, like meditation, yoga, or even a simple walk, to help lower cortisol levels. Combining stress reduction with a consistent skincare routine can make a big difference.

Bacteria on the Skin

Acne-causing bacteria, known as Propionibacterium acnes, thrive in clogged pores and can cause inflammation. Bacteria from dirty towels, pillowcases, and even your hands can easily transfer onto your skin.

To combat bacterial build-up, make sure to wash your pillowcases and towels regularly. Also, avoid touching your face throughout the day, and clean your phone screen frequently to prevent the transfer of bacteria.

Gut Health and Acne

Your skin and gut health are closely connected. When your gut is out of balance—due to poor diet, stress, or lack of probiotics—it can lead to systemic inflammation, which often manifests as acne. Foods high in sugar and processed ingredients can also cause spikes in insulin and lead to breakouts.

Focus on maintaining a healthy diet filled with fiber-rich foods, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or fermented items. A healthy gut supports clear skin by reducing inflammation and improving nutrient absorption.

Using the Wrong Skincare Products

Not all skincare products are created equal. Some products may be too heavy or contain ingredients that clog pores, leading to acne. Overly harsh products can also irritate the skin and worsen breakouts.

Choose non-comedogenic skincare products, which are specifically formulated not to block pores. Also, avoid harsh ingredients like alcohol, which can strip the skin and cause it to produce even more oil in response.

Preventing Acne: Building a Customized Skincare Routine

Understanding what causes your breakouts is the first step in managing acne. By tailoring your skincare routine to address these causes, you can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of breakouts. Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

  • Cleanse regularly with a gentle cleanser suited to your skin type.
  • Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, but be careful not to over-exfoliate.
  • Moisturize daily to keep your skin hydrated, even if you have oily skin. Look for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers.
  • Spot treat using products with salicylic acid to target active breakouts.

By understanding the underlying causes of your acne, you’ll be better equipped to prevent future breakouts and maintain a healthy, clear complexion.

Acne can be frustrating, but by addressing the root causes, you can effectively reduce breakouts and improve your skin health. Whether it’s controlling oil production, managing stress, improving gut health, or simply switching to the right products, a tailored skincare routine is your best defense against acne.

If you’re struggling with acne and need personalized advice, consider booking a virtual skin consultation with a licensed esthetician (that would be me!). I'll help you design a routine that works for your specific skin type and concerns.

xo, Frankie - until next time!

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