Recycling Program

recycling program | xo Brown Girl

Outside of addressing challenging skin concerns and making you feel good from the inside out, we are working to minimize waste.  It's concerning that our society is comfortable with ending the lifecycle of products when we are done with them.

To shorten the curve xo Brown Girl is incentivizing you to extend the life of your products by offering to recycle them for you.  In addition, we are giving you a discount towards your next shopping experience with us.

To help us reach our sustainability objectives, follow the directions:

1 | Send us your empties

Use your original xBG packaging or any mailer packaging and return 3 or more empty containers.  Send an email to to receive a prepaid return shipping label. Drop off at your local post office and we will take care of the rest.

2 | You get to save on future orders

We will work to process and recycle these goods and an email will be sent to you with a coupon for $10 off your next order of $40 or more.

3 | We recycle them

Recycling is an awesome action and makes you an awesome human.